What do you mean there are 60 Parks?!
We stopped into the National Park office to get my patch purchased and started chatting up the U.S. Forest Service rangers. I told them about my goal of seeing all 59 parks with my daughter by the time I was 59. After I was done, the park ranger calmly looked at me and informed me, "There are 60 parks, not 59."
What the @#%*????!!!!!!
Apparently, last February 22nd, 2018 the U.S. government had decided to add Gateway Arch National Park in St. Louis, Missouri to the list of National Parks.
I have already visited the arch with Ashley and in fact gone up to the top, but it wasn't a National Park then AND I don't have a patch. Should that still count? Ashley said, "Yes", but I think, "No". What do you think??
Of course now this means my scratch off map is wrong too, but on the positive, it does give me an extra year to get to all 60 parks. So, I guess it's all good!